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ASPA signed an MOU with Institute of Advanced Convergence Technology

관리자 2021.07.23 12:07

ASPA signed an MOU with

Institute of Advanced Convergence Technology

On July 1st, ASPA and Institute of Advanced Convergence Technology signed a cooperation agreement for mutually comprehensive project implementation.

Through this agreement, Institute of Advanced Convergence Technology and ASPA will establish a cooperative system for supporting local companies to create an innovative ecosystem for the convergence medical industry in Daegu city. Also, the both will strengthened mutual cooperation for making open labs of Daegu Innovation Town a strongpoint of local convergence medical industry.

Based on the core ability of Institute of Advanced Convergence Technology and ASPA, we expect that they actively promote social contribution activities for the local community as well as the support on the local companies for their business expansion into overseas markets and the developing of the innovation companies.

지난 7월 1일, 첨단정보통신융합산업기술원과 ASPA가 상호 포괄적 사업수행을 위한 업무협력협약을 체결하였습니다.

첨단정보통신융합산업기술원과 ASPA는 본 협약을 통해 대구지역 융합의료산업 혁신 생태계 조성을 위한 기업지원 협렵체계를 구축하고, 대구혁신도시 오픈랩의 지역 융합의료산업 육성 거점 도약을 위한 상호호혜적 협력을 강화할 예정입니다.

양 기관이 보유한 핵심역량을 바탕으로 대구지역 중소기업의 해외시장 진출 지원과 혁신기업 발굴을 비롯하여 지역사회를 위한 활발한 사회공헌 활동이 추진되기를 기대해 봅니다.