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Covid-19 Screening Station Inaugurated in the HSP

관리자 2021.06.17 09:19

Covid-19 Screening Station Inaugurated in the HSP

Tenant companies of the Hsinchu Science Park weigh heavily on Taiwan’s economic development and global stability. As such, the Hsinchu Science Park Bureau teamed up with the Hsinchu City government to set up a Covid-19 screening station in accordance with the guidelines laid down by the Central Epidemic Command Center. Also bringing together medical institutions and corporate resources, the screening station became operational at 8 a.m. June 3 to perform rapid antigen and PCR tests on employees of tenant companies.

The HSP screening station adopts the most stringent epidemic prevention measures. In the rapid screening area that is housed in a prefab structure, there is independent work space for medical personnel. PCR tests are conducted out of positive pressure testing booths so that medical personnel are spared contact with high-risk individuals. Up to 80 screenings can be done in a day.

Screening is offered by reservation to HSP employees who have had high-risk contact or exposure or developed symptoms and their family members. Tenant companies are supposed to go to the Ministry of Science and Technology’s ePark website and make reservations thereon. To prevent cluster infections at the station, the principle is for a single plant (or company) to book each screening session, each lasting 15 minutes and serving four people. Those who have a positive antigen test result will be subject to a PCR test on the spot and take a quarantine taxi to a group quarantine facility, pending the PCR report. In case of a positive PCR test result, it will be treated as a confirmed case of Covid-19. A negative result will release the person in question from quarantine and have him/her undergo self-health management for 14 days from the day of test.

On top of minimizing the risk of the pandemic spreading into the HSP, the screening station can alleviate the uncertainty among tenant companies over possible disruption of their operations and help ready more efficient, precise countermeasures if any infection does occur. If any tenant company needs this screening service, please visit the HSPB’s Special Website for Prevention and Relief of Severe Pneumonia With Novel Pathogens ( or log in to the Ministry of Science and Technology’s ePark website to make reservations.

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